Toy male of red color. 01.02.2020,(27 cm)
PRA - A (Zoogen), PL-0/0, DM-NN.
Junior Champion of Russia, Junior Champion RKF, Champion RKF, Champion of Russia, Champion NCP, Grand Champion of Russia.
21.08.2021 Novorossiysk,monobreed exhibition of poodles CCCh- Candidate of Club Champions, ВОВ of color, BIS Toy Poodle -2. Closed title Champion NCP, Grand Champion of Russia. Expert M. Uroshevich - Serbia.
21.08.2021 Novorossiysk,monobreed exhibition of poodles CCCh- Candidate of Club Champions, ВОВ of color, BIS Toy Poodle -3. Expert Shiyan V. -Ukraine.
26.06.2021 Sevastopol, monobreed exhibition of poodles CCCh - Candidate of Club Champions, BOS. Expert Sokolova L.V.-Moscow
13.06.2021. Sevastopol, monobreed exhibition of poodles CCCh - Candidate of Club Champions, BOS, ВОВ of color, Best Toy Poodle, BIS-1. Expert A. Titz -Moscow
16.05.2021. Krymsk, САС-ChF - САС, ChF, BOS, ВОВ. Finished the title of Champion of Russia. -Expert G.P. Zakharova -Moscow.
16.05.2021. Krymsk, САС-ChF- САС, ChF, BOS. -Expert Kozina E.A. -Moscow.
15.05.2021Novorossiysk, САС-ChF- САС, BOS, ChF, ВОВ, BIG-2. Expert Pirogova I.E. -Rostov On Don.
15.05.2021 Novorossiysk, САС-ChRKF - САС, BOS, CH RKF. Expert G.P. Khachaturyan -Rostov On Don.
06.12.2020 Krasnodar, САС -J.САС, Best Junior, BOS, JCH RKF, Finished the title of Junior Champion of Russia.- Expert Pirogova I.E-Rostov On the Don.
06.12.2020 Krasnodar, САС - J.САС, Best Junior, - Expert N. Balashova - Krasnodar.
05.12.2020 Krasnodar, САС - J.САС, Best Junior, JCH RKF, ВОВ.- Expert Filatova A.E. - Moscow.