of the previous Puppies
The record on the pups is made. |
30.12.2016 Papillon puppies tricolor were born , two males. Mother - Amazonka Show von Tiamo Junior Champion of Ukraine, Champion of Ukraine puppies 1 week puppies 1 month Moved to his new home- ODR Baron Bantik.
( Love & Spirit Straight Fluh For Nika`s Show x Charis vom Schwabenhof) ow. Dikusar L.L. puppies 1 month ODR Bazil puppies 2 month Moved to his new home - ODR Baron Bantik.
14.09.2016 puppies born white sable - three boys. mother -Vesnushka Ocharovanie Doma Romanovyh Junior Champion of Ukraine, Champion of Ukraine. puppies 1 month puppies 1 month and 3 weeks ODR Yaffy Alex-he moved to his new home ODR Yars Denis - he moved to his new home ODR Yars Denis-he moved to his new home ODR Yardly Bruks-he moved to his new home
Father - Kayzer iz Olivii, own. Bakina L. puppies 1 month puppies 1 month and 3 weeks ODR Yaffy Alex -he moved to his new home ODR Yaffy Alex-he moved to his new home ODR Yars Denis-he moved to his new home ODR Yardly Bruks-he moved to his new home
01.25.2016 puppies Papillon were born - tricolor color, two boys and a girl. mother - Amazonka Show von Tiamo(imports from Germany) Junior Champion of Ukraine, Champion of Ukraine puppies 1 month Mellas ODR (reserved) Miskhor ODR (reserved) Miskhor ODR (reserved) puppies 1,5 month puppies 1,5 month puppies 1,5 month
Father- Kayzer iz Olvii , own. Baklina L puppies 1 week Mellas ODR (reserved) Mellas ODR (reserved) Miskhor ODR (reserved) Massandra (reserved) puppies 1,5 month puppies 1,5 month The boys moved to their new homes. The girl retained in the kennel.