
At us new puppies of a poodle and pupillon.

A more detailed photo report about our trip to the World Dog Show can be found here ...


Congratulations to all friends and guests of the site !!!
Happy New Year 2019!

Let the coming New Year be full of wonderful events, magical gifts and pleasant surprises! We wish you a festive mood, great happiness and steel health! May all cherished dreams come true! Successes in overcoming all difficulties. Happy days, good company, true friends, luck and kindness of kindness!




16-17-18 November 2018 in Baku (Azerbaijan), three international exhibitions CACIB "Caspian Sea Winner 2018" were conducted.

dwarf poodle OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH GOLDEN GREYS 3хCAC, 3хCACIB , 3хBOB, 3 -BIG. Azerbaijan Champion, KURA Champion, CRAFTS Qualification.

toy poodle
 OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH JOZI VERONIC  -2хCAC, 2хCACIB , 2хBOB,  Azerbaijan Champion, KURA Champion, CRAFTS Qualification.


Experts :
Vladimir Piskay -Slovakia,
Julija Aidietiene - Lithuania,
Dusan Paunovic - Serbia.

Many thanks to the organizer of our trip - travel Mila Orlova and around the merry team of girls and the driver Timur Kosyanenko.



October 6, 2018 in Novorossiysk were two exhibitions of the rank of CAC-KChF.
toy poodle OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH ENIGMA ROSE - CAC,  2хCChC, 2хВОВ. Closed the title Champion of Russia.

phantom poodle miniature  Zharkaya Noch - 2 х САС, 2хCChC, 2хВОВ. Closed the title Champion of Russia..

Experts Abrakimov S. and Khomasuridze R. -Moscow.



September 29, 2018. in Sevastopol, the first monobreed dog-show of the СChC Papillon "Cote d'Azur" was held.


Beautiful Adeline - Best Bitch, CChC, BOB. 

non-certified exhibition

toy poodle Ocharovanie Doma Romanovyh Kvik Step Bruno - very promising, the best puppy.

Expert Gavrilova Yana - Moscow.




September 16, 2018. Krasnodar, international exhibition CACIB "Golden September 2018"

CW,CAC, Champion of RKF, CACIB , BOB.

toy poodle silvery  
EMMANUEL TANTSUYUSHAYA KAPELKA - CW, CAC, R.CACIB. has closed the title of Champion of Russia.

phantom poodle miniature  Zharkaya Noch - CW, САС, Best Bitch, ВОВ. Champion of RKF.

Expert - Yanchev O.V.

September 15, 2018. Krasnodar, there were two exhibitions of the rank of CAC Federation Championship - "Autumn of the Kuban" and "Autumn 2108"

toy poodle silvery  EMMANUEL TANTSUYUSHAYA KAPELKA - 2хCW, 2хCAC, 2х Champion of the Federation. ВОВ.  

phantom poodle miniature  Zhivitelnyy Istochnik - CW, САС, best male, Champion of the Federation. ВОВ.

phantom poodle miniature, junior class Zharkaya NochCW, САС, Best Bitch, Champion of the Federation. ВОВ.


Experts Galiskarov S. K. - Moscow and Shiyan V. -Ukraine.



September 2, 2018 in Feodosia there was a mono-breed show of poodles "Feodosia -2018"

poodle toy, baby class Ocharovanie Doma Romanovyh Klementina - great prospect, BIS baby-2 

poodle toy, Emmanuel Tantsuyushchaya Kapelka - CCC, ВОВ, BIS poodle toy -2

dwarf poodle Ocharovanie Doma Romanovyh Golden Greys - CCC, ВОВ, BIS - 4

Expert Lakatosh Yu.A. - Moscow.






August 12, 2018

17 years old

Zolotaya Marmeladka Ocharovanie Doma Romanovyh 

Happy Birthday our granny Lada!


so quickly flew these years. Thank you for the continuation, your children, grandchildren, great-grandsons in red, black and black and tan color.

June 12, 2018 in Novorossiysk was an international exhibition of the rank of CACIB.

dwarf poodle, female, intermediate class OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH GOLDEN GREYS - CAC, Champion RKF, CACIB, BOB, Closed the title Champion of Russia.

Expert Iuza Beradze -Czech Republic.


June 11, 2018 in Novorossiysk were two exhibitions of the rank of CAC-KChF.

silver poodle, junior class EMMANUEL TANTSUYUSHAYA KAPELKA -2 x J.CAC, 2 x BJ, 2 x BOB. Has closed a title the Young Champion of Russia.

dwarf poodle, female, intermediate class OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH GOLDEN GREYS - CAC,  2 х KChF, 2 x BOB.

Experts Ratibor Cekic Rale- Serbia. and Milic Momcilo - Montenegro.




June 3, 2018 in the city of Krymsk were two exhibitions of the rank of САС-KChF.

toy poodle silver, junior class EMMANUEL TANTSUYUSHAYA KAPELKA -2 x J.CAC, 2 x BJ.

toy poodle, intermediate class  OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH ENIGMA ROSE - CAC,  2хBest Female,  KChF.

toy poodle, intermediate class - OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH SANRIZE SOVIN'ON - 2хCAC, 2хBest male, KChF, 2хВОВ. a title of the Champion of Russia.

Experts Vasiliev O.N. and Nikonorova T.V.


Expert Balashova N.P.




May 27, 2018 in Sevastopol was the first monopedigree show of poodles.

Thanks to the club "Grand" for the excellent organization of the exhibition, to the expert Filatova Alla Evgenievna for the excellent work and to all participants for the positive mood.

dwarf poodle, female, OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH GOLDEN GREYS - ССhС, Best Female, The best dwarf poodle, BOB, BIS-1.

toy poodle black, junior class  OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH  GREYS MERRI -JССhС, BOB, BJ.
toy poodle silver, junior class EMMANUEL TANTSUYUSHAYA KAPELKA -JССhС, BOB.

Expert Filatova Alla Evgenevna-Moscow.



May 05, 2018 in Nikolaev (Ukraine) was an international exhibition of the rank of CACIB "Arsania - Spring".

dwarf poodle, female, intermediate class OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH GOLDEN GREYS - CAC, CACIB , BOB, BIG-3. Champion of Ukraine.

toy poodle, female, intermediate class -  OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH JOZI VERONIC - CAC, CACIB , BOB. Champion of Ukraine.

Expert Lavrova Lyudmila - Moldova.





April 28, 2018 in Krasnodar was an exhibition of the rank of CAC KChF.

toy poodle, junior class  OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH ENIGMA ROSE - JCAC, CW , Best Junior, DOS, ВОВ. received the title "Junior Champion of Russia"

toy poodle, intermediate class - OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH SANRIZE SOVIN'ON - CAC, Best Male, KChF

In the competition of couples took the 3nd place.

Expert Livija Zizevske - Lithuania





14.04.2018 were two exhibitions CAC - ChRKF and CAC KChF in Novorossiysk.

toy poodle, junior class  OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH ENIGMA ROSE - JCAC, CW, Best Junior.

toy poodle, intermediate class OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH SANRIZE SOVIN'ON - CAC, Best Male, "Champion of RKF", BOB.

toy poodle, bitch, intermediate class OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH JOZI VERONIC - 2 x CAC, 2 х Best Female, "Champion of RKF", BOB. She received the title "Champion of Russia".

phantom poodle miniature, junior class Zhivitelniy Istochnik - CW, 2 х J.САС, Best Male, Best Junior, He received the title "Junior Champion of Russia"

phantom poodle miniature, junior class -Zharkaya Noch- CW, J.САС, Best Female, Best Junior, ВОВ, She received the title "Junior Champion of Russia"

In the competition of couples,poodles SANRIZE SOVIN'ON and ENIGMA ROSE took the 1nd place.

Experts Bychkova E.- Stavropol, Nikitina L.- Moscow, Galiaskarova L.-Moscow.

Special thanks to our constant travel organizer Anna Suzanskaya and the whole cheerful team for a positive trip.


February 17, 2018 in Krasnodar was an exhibition of the rank of CAC.


phantom poodle miniature, junior class  Zhivitelniy Istochnik -excellent.

phantom poodle miniature, junior class - Zharkaya Noch - excellent, CW, J.САС, Best Female, Best Junior, ВОВ.

In the competition of couples, the phantoms Jean and Jeanne took the 2nd place.

Expert Pirogova I.E. - Rostov on the Don.