News | At us new puppies of a poodle and pupillon. |
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December 24, 2017 in Krasnodar was an exhibition of the rank of CAC-ChRKF. Expert Ostrovskaya M.G. - Moscow.
October 21, 2017 in Novorossiysk was an exhibition of the rank of CAC "Melody of the Black Sea". toy poodle, junior class - OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH SANRIZE SOVIN'ON - J.CAC, Best Male, "Junior Champion of Russia." toy poodle, bitch, junior class OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH JOZI VERONIC - J.CAC, Best Junior, BOB, BIG-3, "Junior Champion of Russia." Expert Ovsyannikova Julia - Ufa.
October 14, 2017 in Novorossiysk were two exhibitions of the rank of CAC. toy poodle, junior class OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH SANRIZE SOVIN'ON - 2 x J.CAC, Best Male. toy poodle, bitch, junior class OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH JOZI VERONIC - J.CAC, Best Junior, BOB. Experts Belkin A. - Nizhny Novgorod, Balashova N. - Krasnodar.
September 17, 2017 in Krasnodar was an exhibition of the rank of CACIB "Golden September". dwarf poodle, female, junior class OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH GOLDEN GREYS - CW, J.CAC, Best Junior, ВОВ. Has closed a title "the Young Champion of Russia". toy poodle, junior class - OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH JOZI VERONIC - excellent. toy poodle, junior class - OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH SANRIZE SOVIN'ON - excellent. phantom poodle toy, intermediate class - OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH ART VISAGE - excellent, CW, САС, Best Male, ВОВ, Has closed a title "the Young Champion of Russia, РКФ". Expert Drovosekova Natalia - Kazakhstan.
September 16, 2017 in Krasnodar were two exhibitions of the CAC "Autumn -2017" and "Autumn of the Kuban". dwarf poodle, female, junior class - OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH GOLDEN GREYS -CW, J.CAC, Best Junior, Federation Champion, ВОВ. toy poodle, junior class OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH JOZI VERONIC - excellent, J.CAC, Best Bitch, ВОВ. toy poodle, junior class OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH SANRIZE SOVIN'ON -excellent, J.CAC, Best Male. phantom poodle toy, intermediate class - OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH ART VISAGE -excellent, CW, САС, Best Male, ВОВ, Federation Champion. Expert Begma I.-Moscow. dwarf poodle, female, junior class OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH GOLDEN GREYS -CW, J.CAC, Best Junior, Federation Champion, ВОВ. toy poodle, junior class OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH JOZI VERONIC -excellent, J.CAC, Best Bitch, ВОВ. toy poodle, junior class OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH SANRIZE SOVIN'ON -excellent. phantom poodle toy, intermediate class OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH ART VISAGE -excellent, CW, САС, Best Male, ВОВ, Federation Champion. Expert - Alexandrov V. - Moscow.
May 07, 2017 in Sevastopol was the exhibition "Spring Festival". Dwarf poodle, female, junior class OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH LILU STATUETKA - Excellent, Best Junior, ВОВ.
April 29, 2017 In the city of Novorossiysk was a regional exhibition "In Memory of Redko VG." Poodle toy, femaleOCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH SERAFIMA - CW, CAC, Best female, KChF, BOB. BIG - 3. Closed the title of Champion of Russia. Phantom poodle toy, male OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH ART VISAGE - CW, J.CAC, Best junior, ВОВ. Closed a title the Young Champion of Russia. Expert Krutsenko Elena - Magnitogorsk. |
April 9, 2017 there were two All-Russian exhibitions in Novorossiysk, "Black Sea" and "Black Sea Breeze-2017" Poodle toy, male TANTSUYUHCHIJ ELF CAMPARI - CW, CAC, Best male, ChF, Closed the title of Champion of Russia. Expert Abrakimov Sh.-Moscow. Poodle toy, male TANTSUYUHCHIJ ELF CAMPARI -CW, CAC, Best male, ChF. Expert Ostrovskaya M.G.-Moscow.
March 12, 2017 was the National Exhibition "Stars of the Kuban" in Krasnodar. Poodle toy, male TANTSUYUHCHIJ ELF CAMPARI - CW, CAC, Best male, ChRKF, ChF, ВОВ.
Expert Khudyakova V.
Expert Abrakimov Sh. |