News |
On December, 10-11th 2011, in Kiev have passed the international exhibitions 2 x FCI - CACIB - " the Kiev Russia-2011 ", " the Crystal cup of Ukraine-2011 " and the Championship of Ukraine on breed the Poodle. This time at final exhibitions of the country of this year, our kennel had been presented our youth , - one puppy and three juniors.
It is black and tan, the phantom a poodle dwarfish -Svetskiy Bomond Ocharovanie Doma Romanovyh,- J.CAC, BOB.
It is black and tan, the phantom a poodle dwarfish -Svetskiy Bomond Ocharovanie Doma Romanovyh,- J.CAC, BOB.
In the Championship two our dogs were exposed: Expert Jean-Francois Vanaken (Belgium). It is black and tan, the phantom a poodle toy, bitch junior - Samaya Glamurnaya Ocharovanie Doma Romanovyh,-J.CAC, BOB. Has confirmed a rank Young Grandee the Champion of Ukraine. The expert - Galina Zhuk (Belarus).
Our awards from exhibitions 2 x CACIB and the Championship of poodles.
19-20.11.11 - In structure of the Crimean combined team we have made fascinating travel on two countries of the Europe and have taken part in two exhibitions of rank CACIB. 19.11.11. Slovakia, Nitra, at 15-th anniversary exhibition from our kennel was exposed one poodle in a class of Champions, black and tan toy dog that is Redkiy Dar Ocharovanie Doma Romanovyh and has received CAC, BOB. The expert Viera Staviarska, (Slovakia). 20.11.11. Poland, Kielce. From our kennel three poodles were exposed. In a class of Champions an apricot dwarfish dog Fidelio Fantastico von der Salana- CAC, CACIB also became the Champion of Poland. In a class of Champions black and tan toy dog that is Redkiy Dar Ocharovanie Doma Romanovyh received CAC, BOB, the Champion of Poland. In the Junior class black and tan toy bitch- Samaya Glamurnaya Ocharovanie Doma Romanovyh- J.САС, Junior Champion of Poland. expert Bozena Ovesna, (Czech Republic). Rest in hotel of Slovakia. We express greater gratitude to organizers of a trip - Sarin, to Tatyana and permanent driver Julian. |
At home - preparation for an exhibition. |
15.10.11 - Exhibition, Mariupol САС UA "Cup of Azov"2011. The successes of our dogs: Apricot poodle, toy male, junior,- AMBERS FANTASY ZHANFRANCO FERRE - J.САС, Best junior. Has closed a title the Young Champion of Ukraine. Silver toy female, intermediate class Tsipochka Ocharovanie Doma Romanovyh - САС, ВОВ. Expert Anna Kondrashkina (Ukraine)
Fantom poodle toy, junior, Samaya Glamurnaya Ocharovanie Doma Romanovyh - J.САС, Best Junior, ВОВ, ВIG-4. Has closed a title the Young Champion of Ukraine. Expert Nikolina Davidovska, (Bulgaria)
09.10.11 - Exhibition, Yalta САС UA "Crimean Vacation " which have lead in picturesque seat of Southern Coast of Crimea in territory of sports camp, in Ponizovka. Expert N.G.Haratishvili (Russia) The successes of our dogs: Apricot poodle, toy male, junior,- AMBERS FANTASY ZHANFRANCO FERRE - J.САС, Best junior, ВОВ. Silver toy female, intermediate class Tsipochka Ocharovanie Doma Romanovyh - САС, ЛС, ВОВ. Expert T.Y. Shiyan - Ukraine Fantom poodle toy, junior, Samaya Glamurnaya Ocharovanie Doma Romanovyh - J.САС, Best Junior, ВОВ, ВIG-4. Congratulations to the owners of our graduates:
18.09.2011 National Exhibition Sevastopol CAC UA was "Star Surf -2011" in p.Peschanoe. Expert: B. Alexandrov-Ukraine. The successes of our dogs: 1. Poodle dwarfish, baby class MAKSIMILIAN OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH -Very Promising, Best baby.
8.Papillon, intermedia class YUMORINKA Ocharovanie Doma Romanovyh, owner N. Shubina - САС,Best bitch, ВОВ.
10.09.11 international exhibition Simferopol CACIB "Crimean Summer" in p.Peschanoe. Expert MIKLOS LEVENTE - Hungary. toy bitch Nevskiy Suvenir Romantika in intermedia class - САС
poodle toy dog of the apricot Muskat Glamur Ocharovanie Doma Romanovyh in open class - САС, CACIB, Best dog. owner V. Zhuravleva
11.09.11 international exhibition Simferopol CACIB "Velvet Season" Expert PIETRO MARINO - Italy. toy bitch Nevskiy Suvenir Romantika in intermedia class - САС
16-17 .07. 2011. In a Donetsk there has passed exhibition САСIВ "Pride of Donbass". Red toy bitch Nevskiy Suvenir Romantika - САС, ЛС, САСIВ.
29.05.2011 In a Kherson there has passed exhibition САС "Cup of Tavriya". Our three poodles and one papillon took part. Red toy bitch Silvery toy bitch Koroleva Tsvetov Ocharovanie Doma Romanovyh - САС, BB.Has closed a title the Champion of Ukraine. Expert Sergey Slukin (Ukraine) Papillon Amazonka Show von Tiamo - САС, BB, BOB. Has closed a title the Champion of Ukraine. Expert Agafonova E.J. (Ukraine)
14.05.2011 In a Donetsk there has passed exhibition САС "the Cup of the House of Jack".
Silvery toy bitch Koroleva Tsvetov Ocharovanie Doma Romanovyh - САС.
3.05.2011. In Sevastopol there has passed exhibition САС "the Crimean games", expert Anna Rogowska - Poland.
2.05.2011. In Sevastopol there has passed exhibition САС "Lyubomorie", expert Rita Кadike Skadina-Latvia. Istoriya Lyubvi Ocharovanie Doma Romanovyh Dwarfish apricot bitch - Very well.
26-27.03.2011 We have made voyage to Russia and have taken part in anniversary, an exhibition - Eurasia-2011, this time with our phantom family - Darik and its children, Bonik and Lola. 26.03.2011. Eurasia-1.under Alexey Belkin's examination (Russia): REDKIY DAR OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH, (Class of champions) - СW, САС,The best dog, CH RKF, CH RUS, CH Eurasia, The best representative of breed, ВIS -4. SVETSKIY BOMOND OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH( Class baby) - СW, Greater prospect, Best baby, ВIS -1. 27.03.2011. Eurasia-2. under examination Marina Gerasimova (Russia): REDKIY DAR OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH, (Class of champions) - СW, САС,The best dog, CH RKF, CH RUS, CH Eurasia, The best representative of breed. SVETSKAYA LVITSA OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH( Class baby) - СW, Greater prospect, Best baby, ВIS -2. Final still-life: three phantom graces and prizes of 20-th Eurasia... On results of exhibition Darik - Grandee of the Champion of Russia and the Champion of Eurasia has closed. And it baby have taken successful start on a way to exhibition career. |
15-16.01.2011, Bulgaria, Sofia, 2 x САСIВ, Four poodles of our nursery on a class of champions, have acted with advantage and by results of two days all have returned with titles- The champion of Bulgaria, Grandee the Champion of Bulgaria and the Champion of the Balkans. As well as, the first 3 of them have executed norm INTERCHAMPION. 1. FIDELIO FANTASTIKO FON DER SALANA, dwarf apricot dog - 15.01.11. - САС, R.CACIB 2. LUBIMCHIK DOMA ROMANOBYH IZ BELOY STAI, white toy dog - 15.01.11.- САС, САСIВ, ВОВ. 3. ZAVETNAYA MECHTA OCHAROVANIE DOMA ROMANOVYH, Silvery dwarf bitch- 15.01.11- САС, САСIВ.
15.01.11- expert -Antoan Hlebarov (Bulgaria) 16.01.11 - expert - Ivan Dimitrov (Bulgaria)
As one Natalia exposed 4 poodles, a photo from a ring, unfortunately, to make it was not possible. |
11-12.12.2010 there have passed two exhibitions 2хFCI CACIB and the Championship of poodles. We exposed two young dogs. 11.12.10 - FCI CACIB - Koroleva Cvetov Ocharovanie Doma Romanovyh - Silvery toy bitch in the open class- R.CAC. The expert - Tamara Sarmont (Belarus) 11.12.10 - the Championship of poodles - Koroleva Cvetov Ocharovanie Doma Romanovyh - Silvery toy bitch in the open class-Excellent- 1.
Nevskiy Suvenir Romantika - Red toy bitch in a class of puppies - greater prospect, the Best of that the puppy of the Championship. The expert- Jean-Jacques Dupas (The president a poodle of club of France) And as, in honour of 20 years UKU, our Kennel has noted been by the Honourable diploma and a memorable sign.