Ocharovanie Doma Romanovyh Bella Donna

toy female phantom . 16.01.18 b.,(25 cm)

PRA -A by parents, PL - 0/0.

Champion of Russia

Exhibition Career:

02.08.2020. Krymsk САС"Favorite Fortune 2020" CAC, BOS, Federation Champion, ВОВ. Closed the Champion of Russia. Expert O.N. Vasiliev

01.08.2020. Krymsk САС   "Autumn Stars 2020" - CAC, BOS, Federation Champion, ВОВ. Expert Nikitin A.V. 


6.06. 2019   Krymsk  САС KChF - "Meeting Old Friends" - САС, Best Female, ВОВ. ExpertBalashova N. -Krasnodar.

6.06. 2019  Krymsk "Krymsk-2019" САС,
Best Female
Expert Voloshina I.- Kazakhstan.

26.05. 2109 Sevastopol, All-Breed Exhibition - excellent. ВОВ.  Expert Sokolova Lydia - Moscow.

